
Technologies and processes

In the WavE joint projects there are many overlaps with regard to technologies and processes. The cross-sectional topic serves to network the collaborative projects involved in WavE, which are concerned in a broader sense with the research and application of separation technologies for the generation of permeates or diluates from contaminated wastewater or process solutions. In the cooperation of the project participants, the limits of use of the technologies or processes in different applications are to be defined and boundary conditions for successful application are to be defined. These include, among other things, the achievable target concentrations and purification results, the energy input required for this or interfering substances that can lead to impairment of the performance or even failure of the technologies.
One goal of the technical discussions on the cross-cutting topic of "Technologies and Processes" is to develop a decision matrix for the user that can be used to support the selection of a technology for a specific application, or possibly identify development gaps that need to be overcome.


12/2019: Ergebnisse des Querschnittsthemas

04/2018: Bisherige Aktivitäten, Zwischenergebnisse und Ausblick


12/2020 – Artikel im Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination: K. Wencki; V. Thöne; A. Ante; T. Hogen; C. Hohmann; F. Tettenborn; D.Pohl; P. Preiss; C. Jungfer (2020): Approaches for the evaluation of future-oriented technologies and concepts in the field of water reuse and desalination. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination (2020) 10 (4): 269–283

11/2019 – Konferenzbeitrag bei den 7. Industrietage Wassertechnik: Wencki K., Thöne V., Ante A., Hogen T., Hochmann C., Tettenborn F., Pohl D., Preiss P., Jungfer C. (2019) Ansätze zur Bewertung zukunftsfähiger Technologien und Konzepte im Bereich Wasserwiederverwendung und Entsalzung. Vortrag. 7. Industrietage Wassertechnik, 14.-15. November 2019 DECHEMA-Haus, Frankfurt am Main 2019

11/2019 – Artikel in gwf Wasser & AbwasserG. Braun, C. Kleffner (2019): Konzentrierung und Behandlung hochsalzhaltiger Lösungen. Bericht vom CML-Workshop, 12. Juni 2019, Technische Hochschule Köln, IWZ Deutz. gwf Wasser & Abwasser, 11/2019

06/2019 – Beitrag zum CML-Workshop zur Konzentrierung und Behandlung hochsalzhaltiger Lösungen. TH Köln

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